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Category : 写真1枚から思うこと

【神様降臨?】 (#9)



各国、さまざまな宗教があり、それぞれ神様を崇拝しますね。私が思う神様は、“自然”です。  太陽はパワーをくれそうな感じがしますし、雨は辛さ等洗い流してくれそうですし。山や海は豊かな資源をくださり、月は見ると感情を豊かにしてくださる。。。気がします。



【God is flying down?】

The cloud in the photo looks like God is about to fly down from the heavens. What a divine sky it is!

Each country has its own religious beliefs as well as diving beings. For me, I think of “nature” as a god. Looking at it, “the sun” gives us power, “rain” helps us wash off unwanted things such as pain, “the sea and mountains” give us fruitful resources, and “the moon” enriches our soul and emotions. These are all parts of nature. Individually, they uniquely bless us in different ways.

However, we humans took part in the destruction of nature. As a result, we have received some divine punishments such as abnormal weather, tsunami, and other natural disasters.

I feel that nature and its resources are just borrowed from God. So in return, we should be good stewards of nature, and take care of it with all our sincerity.




