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People Who Impose Advice on Others – An Unwanted Favor and an Unwelcomed Favor Become Embarrassing


We all experience receiving advice from others in our daily lives. Sometimes, it can be valuable information or helpful guidance that benefits us. However, there are individuals who impose advice on others without being asked. It is said that their behavior is influenced by a desire for dominance.


Dominance refers to a tendency to control or dictate instructions to others, and impose one’s own thoughts or opinions. Dominating is believed to stem from a lack of self-esteem or a need for self-assertion. From my personal experience, I have noticed that many individuals who exhibit this behavior have had difficult experiences in their youth, feelings of misery or loneliness, or have been victims of domestic violence. Perhaps, by exerting control over others, they seek to elevate their own sense of self-worth. Some people genuinely believe that their opinions and methods are the best for everyone and insist on imposing them by trying to force people to listen to their opinions. Either way, it can be quite bothersome, isn’t it? These types of people just love themselves, and don’t care about others’ feelings.


These types of people who force advice may appear to be simply trying to help, but there are various underlying psychological factors beneath the surface of their supposed need to “help.” Some seek to boost their self-esteem by showcasing their knowledge and experience by dominating others. Others firmly believe that their opinions and methods are correct and the only right way, which causes them to display indifference towards the opinions and emotions of others while striving to maintain a superior position.


In some cases, these people with a strong desire to dominate often attempt to alleviate their anxieties by forcefully taking control and imposing direction on others even if it is inappropriate and unwelcome. In situations where it becomes challenging to distance oneself or sever the relationship, it is essential to hold firm to your boundaries and stick to your opinions and values; do not be swayed by theirs. Strengthening one’s self-assertion can reduce the impact of dominance from others.


It is always an option to maintain distance and cut ties with individuals who impose their advice on others as a means of self-protection.


However, in cases where this may not be feasible, asserting one’s own opinions and values becomes crucial. Work towards strengthening self-assertion which can be done through consistent communication with friends and family.


Staying grounded in truth and values can help strengthen one’s confidence which will help build self-assertion. We can reduce the influence of dominance imposed upon us by others if we stand firm.